It is amazing to see people get fancy, wearing their best garments and flashy shoes to come together and celebrate the resurrection of our King. If the ultimate sacrifice was not made for you and for me, could we be as clean on the inside as we are on the outside for Easter? I am so thankful that the redeemer came and paid the ultimate price to redeem us. I believe it is most appropriate to place emphasis on why the price was paid.
It was customary by Mosaic Law for the priest (B.C.) to offer an animal sacrifice to God because, “ In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness” (Hebrews 9:22). Since this type of sacrifice wasn't effective over time, thus repeated often, there was prophesy of a worthy sacrifice to be fulfilled in Hebrews 7:27,”… He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself.” HIS blood is precious and HE was the lamb without blemish or defect (1 Peter 1:19) and HIS blood redeemed, made us new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians5:17). It makes “….our consciences pure from useless acts so we may serve the living God” (Hebrews9:14). Since we appreciate the price paid, when you shop for the occasion, consider thrift stores. You will save more money and are guaranteed not to see anyone else with your #thrifting outfit . Remember, most importantly, we go to worship and offer an abundance of praise for the worthy sacrifice, not to impress others with our dress.
I die daily (Luke 9:23-24) to make sure my inward man matches my outward appearance. This outfit is thrifted and gifted. My dress and earrings are thrifted from Restore Ministries in Huntsville, AL. The dress and earrings were $1.00 a piece. My shoes are Gianni Bini were picked out by my best friend Lac ( he has impeccable taste) on clearance, and my cardigan and watch is New York and Co. My purse is thrifted from Downtown Rescue Mission Thrift Store in Huntsville, AL (I waited 3 mos. for it to be marked down 50%). My necklace was gifted by my mom and it’s Lia Sophia. If you like my necklace, check out my Aunt Mona’s Lia Sophia web page @ http://www.liaspohia.com/monadeea%20 .
I thank you Lord that you call me friend, laid down your life, and was raised, so that your spirit dwells in me, that I may live and be set free. #RealLove
-Sheika, Team TT
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