Usually in the spring season, I like to do deep cleaning of my home, car, office, and closet! Not the usual cleaning, I like to get inside the cracks, dust things off, and get rid of old clothing; by donating them to a local thrift store of course. Clothes that have gotten too small, too big, or just not my style anymore, I give them away. This spring because I’m away from home, I really don’t have many things to deep clean, but ME (Domonique)! I’m really taking time out to focus on getting cleeeean inwardly, that way it reflects outwardly in how I carry myself, dress, and act! There are some things I need to get rid of jealousy, negativity, impure thoughts; the list goes on and on. Of course being a Christian woman I want to dress modestly, but more than anything I want God to be pleased with me in EVERY area of my life. What good am I to the kingdom if I’m just clean on the outside?! This Spring season I encourage you to join me in my Spring cleaning inwardly; take the time to purify and sanctify yourselves from the inside out! Living life modestly is not limited to how you dress but how you speak, react in difficult situations, and carry yourself. “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. “1 Peter 3:2-4 NIV
*Dom’s Thrift Tip: Let your thrifted ensemble compliment your inward beauty, as you get cleeeeean inside and out during this season! It’s totally ok to dress nice; just ensure you’re cleaning the inside of the cup too (Matt 23:26). Oh by the way, let me tell you about my thrifted-fit lol! The button down was purchased at NY&C, my scarf was made by my beautiful Grandma, the jacket was gifted, the pants and belt are THRIFTED, and the shoes were borrowed by our very own Ambreia!
“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 31:25 NIV
Blessings from over yonder ;-)
-Dom, TeamTT
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