Well, whether you are married, single, divorced or separated, God will answer your prayers. We all have fears that are related to those we love. If it’s that cousin that you fell out with or trying to mend a friendship, our God is a God of restoration.
First of all, fear is an emotion that is healthy to feel on occasion. But, if it is crippling your ability to function daily, make decisions or mend relationships, it has now become a manifestation in your spirit. 2 Timothy 1:7 states: “God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” Well, some may say, “Who gave us the spirit of fear?” I will be honest with you. Satan uses every single fear that we have against us. He uses it to cripple us and to render us defenseless against his attacks. If you are afraid to step out of your comfort zone, you aren’t a threat! You can’t walk in your purpose confidently if you are crippled by fear. You can’t mend that relationship that has been torturing you for years! You walk around with guilt on your shoulders and resentment in your heart!
The struggle is real, ya’ll! I know because it was mine. I had fears of reconciling a relationship that is most important to me. Satan attacked me in ways that you couldn’t believe. Temptation, denial, self-pity, guilt and resentment!
· I resented the way that person treated me and soon it turned to resenting them. THIS IS THE WRONG THING TO DO!
· I rejected their advice and the advice of all of my friends regarding this relationship. WRONG!
· I denied that there was any anger or unforgiveness in my heart towards them. WRONG AGAIN!

· Satan sent a replacement along to distract me. Don’t be fooled, he knows what you like and that very thing can be presented to you to keep you useless to the kingdom! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
· Lastly, I struggled with guilt. After how I’d acted towards them for so long, I felt that they could never love me or forgive me. SMH WRONG AGAIN!
As a grateful believer, I’ve seen God do the impossible. He’s restored many situations all around me. He’s delivered loved ones from addiction. Turn cold-hearted individuals into allies. Healed permanent medical conditions. He has even delivered me from the hands of my enemies! But, I made this one situation BIGGER than my God! Fear crippled my belief that MY God was that GREAT! Fear had me blind to the fact that MY GOD CAN and WILL do ANYTHING! ONLY by the grace of God is my marriage restored! My husband and I love one another like never before! With the love of God! Believe me, it isn’t done in our own strength but by the power of the Holy Spirit, which resides in BOTH of us. It resides in you too!
If you are struggling to with fear or reconciliation, I urge you to give it to God! Whether it is financial responsibility, temptation, addiction, jealousy or even body image, God is able to restore and deliver you from your stuggles. Proverbs 3:5-6 says: “Lean on, trust in and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.”
-Bre, Team TT
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