Tuesday, September 4, 2012


“Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10 

Anyone else out there really enjoy waiting for things to happen (retorical question)?  I mean things that seem so farfetched that everyone looks at you crazy when you talk about it… Well I’m in a season of “waiting” and surprisingly instead of being annoyed or frustrated about it, I’m actually content and at peace. Usually I’m impatient; I don’t like waiting for things to happen I always jump the gun and go for it! I’ve learned my lesson, and in this season I’m waiting like my Father told me to. I’ve finally learned after the 1500th time that, God’s timing is way better than mines! You see in the past He told me to be still and just wait, and instead I went on ahead and did what I wanted because it “felt right” and it ended in a complete disaster! This appears to especially happen in the relationship zone! I’m hard headed when it comes to following His direction in relationships and I think I know what’s best for me. Boy do I prove myself wrong every time! He warned me in His WORD to not awaken love until the time is right (Song of Songs 2:7 NLT) At this point in my life, I’m tired of shattered relationships and hearts being broken, because of my disobedience and lack of trust. Instead of rushing God’s plans for my life, I’ll let Him prepare me for what’s to come so that when the wait is over and the time is right… I’ll be ready

Outfit details: scarf and pants-thrifted, top and shoes-Marshalls (Photography by Bobby Perkins) 

If He tells you to wait --- be still and know that He’s God, and just wait

-Dom, TeamTT 

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