When God allows your situation to consume you sometimes it just means he is elevating you. How so? Well what do we know about fire? Some things about fire are: -It burns/destroys, -It provides light and -It purifies. Confusion, turmoil and complacency are all tactics of the enemy.

I believe God uses the fire to provide light. Often times we question God asking, why me? This question can suggest that we are looking at the problem from what I call a "Me, Myself and I" perspective. I have been in that place where I felt what I was going through was about me. Well, I had to learn that sometimes God allows us to go through the fire not necessarily for our sake but so that someone else can be set free. Fire provides light and according to God's word, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden "Matthew 5:13-15. Therefore, people are watching and they will see how God will bring you out and bless you. God specializes in the impossible so when you have restored all the things you've lost, God will get the glory out of your life. That is why it is so important to hold fast to God's word and promises so that you can find rest perfect peace. There is a story in the bible where Paul and Silas go and tell about God's word. Well, long story short they end up getting thrown in jail. Well they could have cried and complain but instead they gave God praise. They praised him so loud that in the midnight hour God shook the jail and not only set them free but also set other free as well. Your fire that you are going through will set others free, so I encourage you to never cease in giving God praise.
Lastly, fire purifies. It’s nothing like a crisis that will drop you to your knees. As you seek God, he will give you clarity, understanding and revelation. These things manifest into wisdom. I believe wisdom reinforces faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for... and according to scripture: "And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure" 1 John 3:2-4. There are many definitions of pure but one I like is: free of contamination. Free of contamination to me symbolize free of negative people, free of false idols, free of distractions, free of pride and etc. Going through a storm humbles me quick; in fact going through storms has brought me to a place of humility faster than any sermon. Usually, because I am forced to reevaluate my life, I go through the process of deleting. Deleting habits of destruction, i.e. listening to music that does not Glorify God. Fire brings purity. It will purify you.
When you go through the fire, it tends to burn away some things, shed light on some things so that you & God can deal with those things. Dealing with those things allows for a process of self evaluation, repentance and restoration ultimately ending in purification.
- Demo, Team TT
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