We (America) just celebrated the anniversary of our Independence on July 4th and it really had me thinking, so many soldiers fought and died for that day to be possible. I’m proud to be an American, and I’m so grateful for our soldiers. Shout out to all the soldiers out there, I have much love and respect for all of you and I thank you for the sacrifice that you make serving our country!
Check out the poem I wrote inspired by having Freedom in Christ.
This is…
This is purity
Pure in mind, body, and soul—spiritually cleansed, consecrated within and my actions speak louder than words
This is security
Secured safely from all harm, hurt, or danger by my heavenly Father—my protector
Freed from all my sins—liberation at its best and no more looking back
This is carefree
Joy so deeply rooted that no one can take it from me and I mean no one can even touch it!
This is me… FREEEEEEE
My freedom in Christ is celebrated daily, because it’s a day-to-day battle for me to die to self (flesh). I thank God for His grace that sustains me and empowers me to fight the good fight of faith. I have victory and freedom because of the blood Jesus Christ shed on Calvary. Instead of celebrating my independence, I celebrate my dependence on God! I’m thankful to be a CHRISTIAN, a child of God, a born-again BELIEVER!
My top was purchased from H&M, pants from TJ Maxx, shoes from Belk, and my earrings are thrifted from St Vincent DePaul thrift store located in Huntsville, AL.
Peace, Love, and Apple Sauce (lol)
-Dom, TeamTT
Photography provided by Bobby Perkins.
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