I engage more with these women than I do my own friends for a specific reason, I’m drawn by their reverence for God. These women are of great worth in God’s sight. Not because of their outward beauty or appearance, but because of “…that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit…” 1 Peter 3:1-6. I see these characteristics daily exhibited through their lives as written in 1 Peter 4:7-11 “….Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all love each other deeply, because loves covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms…” The wisdom and grace these women give me is far worth anything I could ever want and for that I am grateful.
I have big shoes to fill. To live as the type of woman spoken about in 1Peter 3 and Proverbs 31, requires a lifelong commitment, dedication, submission, and reverence to the Word of God; the nurturing of the Holy Spirit that dwells in me; humility; faith; a heavy prayer life; patience; suffering; and self denial. I am nowhere near these ladies but, I continually strive to be that and more.
So now that you guys know how much I admire all my mommas, let get to my look. My mom modeled when she was in her twenties and she never failed to wear really cool glasses in her pictures. My look today is in honor of her. My glasses were gifted from Ms. Canady of Alabama A&M University. Her mother was getting rid of the glasses so she brought them to work and I snagged them (muhuhhahahaha). They are tinted and prescription, BAM! My blazer is thrifted and was off the “free rack” at Restore Ministries Thrift Store in Huntsville, AL. My earrings are thrifted from the Neighborhood Store Thrift Store in Huntsville, AL. The bracelet is from Forever 21. My pants were bought on clearance from Route 21, my shoes and my camisole were bought on clearance from Belk, and my necklace was thrifted as well from the Neighborhood Store.
If I may offer a thrifty tip; you can really build your accessory collection by buying thrifted, unique pieces, and awesome prices. This will ensure variety and appeal in your collection.
-Sheika, Team TT
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